Zeez Tech is unique
Search “sleep devices” and you will find trackers, eye masks, earplugs, headphones, meditation and breathing support, and sleep mats to cool you down and warm you up. You are unlikely to find the Zeez Sleep Pebble. We are too small, and possibly, too unusual. And yet only the Zeez Sleep Pebble directly addresses the fundamental problem experienced by poor sleepers: brain activity that is too fast for relaxation, falling asleep, or deep sleep. We do it well.
Zeez tech is designed to help our brain to slow down to precise frequencies of relaxation, falling asleep and eventually deep sleep, so that we repeat the body’s natural pattern of light, deep and dream sleep (REM sleep) over four sleep cycles (6 ¾ hours total).
How do we slow brain activity?
By creating gentle electrical pulses under our pillow that match the activity naturally produced by neurons during relaxation and deep sleep to prompt a resonant response in those neurons (so that we relax, fall asleep, and sleep deeply).
How is Zeez different?
Other powered sleep devices use electrical stimulation or “pulsed electromagnetic frequencies” (“PEMF”) to penetrate the skull, affect the charged electric particles of the brain and “entrain” them. The peak magnetic field strength of PEMF devices ranges from 110,000 microteslas (Earthpulse) to 2,500 microteslas (Neorhythm).
Zeez magnetic field strength is less than 3 microteslas. Its voltage is around 1/10th of a digital analogue watch. We aim for the same frequencies, amplitude, waveform and pulse width as the sleeping brain generates naturally. It takes precision to create pulses that can be picked up by the brain to produce a resonant response. Plus years of work and thousands of measurements by our genius engineer, Steve Walpole.
In the first years after conceiving and developing the Zeez Sleep Pebble we tried hard to find funding and independent trials. Most people either thought we were mad, or wanted to offer us early stage research funds when already had an effective product.
In 2016, Professor Kevin Morgan, founder of the Clinical Sleep Research Unit at Loughborough University asked Anna “Why subject yourself to the tyranny of testing, if you don’t need to?”. This was a breakthrough moment. We stopped struggling to find money, got on with the business of surviving and asked our testers to complete standard before and after sleep questionnaires.
Overall sleep quality
Average amount of sleep
Awoke in the night or too early
Coventry University did a small double blinded trial with real and dummy Pebbles and Camille Carroll, Professor of Clinical Neuroscience oversaw a case series study of the Zeez Sleep Pebble with people with Parkinson’s-related sleep disorders. Neither of these were powered for efficacy and both were interesting.
In 2018, London hosted a world first sleep show, and we exhibited, even though our device was far from shop ready. Press coverage about us gave us enough sales to pursue manufacture. We sold and continue to sell the Zeez Sleep Pebble on sale or return. Around 4,000 people have now experienced the Zeez Sleep Pebble, some for almost a decade. They are a wonderful mix, aged 9 to 91. The reasons for their poor sleep are many and various. Many have been chronic long term poor sleepers who had “tried everything”. See our reviews.We also worked with charities to collect anecdotal reports of Zeez efficacy from users with arthritis and dementia.
Future Studies and R & D
We would love more independent studies, and hope to get funding to commission independent study on a new relaxation device. If successful, we will deliver this device towards the end of 2025. We would also like to collect as much anecdotal information as we can. This can help to create interest in academic research. We would like to work with sports clubs, charities, doctors, therapists, sleep clinics, interest groups, schools. trade unions and employers. Please contact us if you are interested in this.
We would like more data from users, especially from people with conditions that are exacerbated by poor sleep. This may help us to improve what we offer. We have many users with chronic fatigue syndrome, thyroid conditions, mental health issues, fibromyalgia, arthritis and other conditions for which good quality sleep is important as well as users who are interested in sports performance and longevity. We are interested in hearing from groups of people and may be able to give talks and offer group discounts.
The social care crisis concerns us greatly. Given the importance of good quality sleep to health, we think we could do something to help. In the absence of any funding or trials, we offer a £50 discount to health and care professionals and those who are cared for whom we have “before and after Zeez” questionnaires. Ask us. One discount per person.
More info
The abstract of the Plymouth case series with 13 patients concluded.
“Almost 50% of patients experienced significant improvement in PDSS-2 (Parkinson’s Disease Sleep Scale) scores... The device offers a potential alternative to medication for sleep disturbance in PD, and merits further evaluation. Participants generally found the device easy to use. Two of the non-responders also reported subjective improvement, but admitted to only intermittent use of the device.”
All of the testers wanted to keep their devices. Professor Carroll wished to do a larger efficacy trial with people with Parkinson’s but had no staff available to apply for funding.
The Coventry trial involved real and dummy devices, with assessment of sleep quality using sleep mats. The results were equivocal - no strong differences, and one participant’s sleep worsened. It completely shocked us, since all of our experience showed strong results. We learnt the participants were asked "to turn any off any electrical devices that may interfere with the sleep mat measurement" during their assessment with sleep mats but were not told to switch off their devices whilst using the Zeezs. The lead researcher commented
“..you are getting very good results with the Zeez, which is great, however this may be because as well as being given the device the individuals are also following the other instructions on the leaflet regarding wifi and electrics etc. These measures themselves are generally known to help sleep so your results may be due to a combination of electrics, phone AND the Zeez. The combination of all measures together may be having a larger impact.”
She was absolutely correct. The Zeez is so low power that (for most people) it will only work if nearby devices are unplugged and wifi devices on airplane mode. This really is a prerequisite, and making a comparison without electrical devices being switched off can tell us nothing. If devices are left on, Zeez signals may be distorted and have no effect, or an unwanted effect.
The University told me that the pooled data masked a wide range of responses, and that within the data there was very interesting individual data – both positive and negative. They couldn't pass this over because the ethics committee approval had not been obtained on that basis.
With Coventry's support, we tried to invite trial participants to use the Zeez as it is intended to be used. Unfortunately, as students, they had either left the University, or were pregnant.
We would love more trials!